Through the information technology solution consulting process, enterprises can make decisions and choose the right option for their organization. We support enterprises towards the highest efficiency with the most optimal cost, in accordance with the business model, operating process and business lines.

ATIS has consulting capacity regarding overall solutions, multi-stage investment and specialized solutions in each group: operating systems, servers, storage, system administration and data synchronization…

Consulting and building overall solutions

Transforming the way data is organized and processed from traditional methods to digital methods.

Application of software and technology products to optimize the operation, management and business activities of enterprises.

Consulting, evaluating, implementing information security solutions

Atis provides overall information security solutions and services for the systems of organizations and enterprises, from system security solutions, security in virtualized environments, data protection and date loss prevention… to services of consulting, designing and monitoring digital information security, responding to and troubleshooting attacks…

Evaluating & optimizing systems, databases… according to customer’s requests

Atis offers Assessment, System Optimization, Database services, and more tailored to your needs. We assist businesses in enhancing system performance, cost-saving, and boosting operational efficiency

Receiving requests

Listen to customer problems, requests and expectations. Clarify any issues and forward the requests to the specialist department for analysis and handling.

Submitting proposal

After internal discussion, the Solution Proposal submitted to the customer will include: proposed plan, deployment method, appropriate level, estimated time, cost and Atis’ commitments. The customer will discuss with Atis to balance and edit the proposal to be the most suitable.


After finalizing the plan and signing the contract, Atis shall consult and deploy according to the roadmap given in the proposal. Atis will periodically update progress, make adjustments when necessary, and promptly handle arising problems.

Reporting – Supervising

After each stage, Atis conducts an evaluation of such stage’s effectiveness. From which, we research new technology initiatives and propose optimal improvements for enterprises.



Many years of experience in the research, consulting and deployment of information technology solutions in many fields.


A team of highly qualified and experienced human resources in the Information Technology.


Unlimited integration and expansion capabilities at a reasonable cost.



ATIS consults and deploys the digital transformation solutions for enterprises in many fields, and has been trusted by many big brands. Please leave your contact information to us to receive a free demo and consultation from our experts.